Go Hornets!

Go Hornets!
"Our shared vision is to empower students to be responsible learners with strong character in an engaging learning environment."

Friday, December 20, 2013

Sharing the gift of music!

Music teacher, Ms. Martenson and Special Education Aid, Mrs. Wojtczak shared beautiful music with our staff and students this afternoon. This has become  an annual tradition that is loved by all. Thank you ladies for sharing this gift with us!

Kindergarten Winter Program

It is a wonderful time of year! Our Kindergarten students did a fantastic job at their concert today. Families enjoyed treats at a reception following the performance. Thank you Kindergarten teachers for organizing this special event!

Elementary School Sing-along

Students and staff came together this morning to share in an all school sing-along. Each grade performed a song or songs for the crowd. Cheers and laughter could be heard throughout the school! 

Thursday, December 19, 2013

5th Grade Inquiry Project Presentations

Fifth grade students presented their Inquiry Projects to parents today. Students created a website and presented information they gathered related to an explorer or invention. Great work fifth graders!

Monday, December 16, 2013

What is the Cadott Elementary Hornet News blog?
Every day I see great things happening here at our school! I have started the Cadott Elementary Hornet News blog as a way to share these things with you. If you are interested in receiving email notifications when there are new posts on the blog please enter you email address under Follow by email on the left hand side of the page. Thank you for your interest in learning more about what is happening at Cadott Elementary School.
In the best interest of our children,
Jenney Larson